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The hens and the chickens came; for where one runs the othersrun too; they clucked; and chirped; and looked at the cock; and wereproud that he was of their kind。

〃Cock…a…doodle…doo!〃 he crowed; 〃the chickens will grow up intogreat hens at once; if I cry it out in the poultry…yard of the world!〃

And hens and chicks clucked and chirped; and the cock announceda great piece of news。

〃A cock can lay an egg! And do you know what's in that egg? Abasilisk。 No one can stand the sight of such a thing; people knowthat; and now you know it too… you know what is in me; and what achampion of all cocks I am!〃

With that the yard cock flapped his wings; made his b swell up;and crowed again; and they all shuddered; the hens and the littlechicks… but they were very proud that one of their number was such achampion of all cocks。 They clucked and chirped till theweather…cock heard; he heard it; but he did not stir。

〃Everything is very stupid;〃 the weather…cock said to himself。〃The yard cock lays no eggs; and I am too lazy to do so; if I liked; Icould lay a wind…egg。 But the world is not worth even a wind…egg。Everything is so stupid! I don't want to sit here any longer。〃

With that the weather…cock broke off; but he did not kill the yardcock; although the hens said that had been his intention。 And whatis the moral? 〃Better to crow than to be puffed up and break off!





   by Hans Christian Andersen

FAR down in the forest; where the warm sun and the fresh airmade a sweet resting…place; grew a pretty little fir…tree; and yetit was not happy; it wished so much to be tall like its panions…the pines and firs which grew around it。 The sun shone; and the softair fluttered its leaves; and the little peasant children passed by;prattling merrily; but the fir…tree heeded them not。 Sometimes thechildren would bring a large basket of raspberries or strawberries;wreathed on a straw; and seat themselves near the fir…tree; and say;〃Is it not a pretty little tree?〃 which made it feel more unhappy thanbefore。 And yet all this while the tree grew a notch or joint tallerevery year; for by the number of joints in the stem of a fir…tree wecan discover its age。 Still; as it grew; it plained; 〃Oh! how Iwish I were as tall as the other trees; then I would spread out mybranches on every side; and my top would over…look the wide world。 Ishould have the birds building their nests on my boughs; and whenthe wind blew; I should bow with stately dignity like my tallpanions。〃 The tree was so discontented; that it took no pleasure inthe warm sunshine; the birds; or the rosy clouds that floated overit morning and evening。 Sometimes; in winter; when the snow laywhite and glittering on the ground; a hare would e springing along;and jump right over the little tree; and then how mortified it wouldfeel! Two winters passed; and when the third arrived; the tree hadgrown so tall that the hare was obliged to run round it。 Yet itremained unsatisfied; and would exclaim; 〃Oh; if I could but keep ongrowing tall and old! There is nothing else worth caring for in theworld!〃 In the autumn; as usual; the wood…cutters came and cut downseveral of the tallest trees; and the young fir…tree; which was nowgrown to its full height; shuddered as the noble trees fell to theearth with a crash。 After the branches were lopped off; the trunkslooked so slender and bare; that they could scarcely be recognized。Then they were placed upon wagons; and drawn by horses out of theforest。 〃Where were they going? What would bee of them?〃 Theyoung fir…tree wished very much to know; so in the spring; when theswallows and the storks came; it asked; 〃Do you know where those treeswere taken? Did you meet them?〃

The swallows knew nothing; but the stork; after a littlereflection; nodded his head; and said; 〃Yes; I think I do。 I metseveral new ships when I flew from Egypt; and they had fine masts thatsmelt like fir。 I think these must have been the trees; I assure youthey were stately; very stately。〃

〃Oh; how I wish I were tall enough to go on the sea;〃 said thefir…tree。 〃What is the sea; and what does it look like?〃

〃It would take too much time to explain;〃 said the stork; flyingquickly away。

〃Rejoice in thy youth;〃 said the sunbeam; 〃rejoice in thy freshgrowth; and the young life that is in thee。〃

And the wind kissed the tree; and the dew watered it with tears;but the fir…tree regarded them not。

Christmas…time drew near; and many young trees were cut down; someeven smaller and younger than the fir…tree who enjoyed neither restnor peace with longing to leave its forest home。 These young trees;which were chosen for their beauty; kept their branches; and were alsolaid on wagons and drawn by horses out of the forest。

〃Where are they going?〃 asked the fir…tree。 〃They are not tallerthan I am: indeed; one is much less; and why are the branches notcut off? Where are they going?〃

〃We know; we know;〃 sang the sparrows; 〃we have looked in at thewindows of the houses in the town; and we know what is done with them。They are dressed up in the most splendid manner。 We have seen themstanding in the middle of a warm room; and adorned with all sorts ofbeautiful things;… honey cakes; gilded apples; playthings; and manyhundreds of wax tapers。〃

〃And then;〃 asked the fir…tree; trembling through all itsbranches; 〃and then what happens?〃

〃We did not see any more;〃 said the sparrows; 〃but this was enoughfor us。〃

〃I wonder whether anything so brilliant will ever happen to me;〃thought the fir…tree。 〃It would be much better than crossing thesea。 I long for it almost with pain。 Oh! when will Christmas behere? I am now as tall and well grown as those which were taken awaylast year。 Oh! that I were now laid on the wagon; or standing in thewarm room; with all that brightness and splendor around me!Something better and more beautiful is to e after; or the treeswould not be so decked out。 Yes; what follows will be grander and moresplendid。 What can it be? I am weary with longing。 I scarcely know howI feel。〃

〃Rejoice with us;〃 said the air and the sunlight。 〃Enjoy thine ownbright life in the fresh air。〃

But the tree would not rejoice; though it grew taller every day;and; winter and summer; its dark…green foliage might be seen in theforest; while passers by would say; 〃What a beautiful tree!〃

A short time before Christmas; the discontented fir…tree was thefirst to fall。 As the axe cut through the stem; and divided thepith; the tree fell with a groan to the earth; conscious of pain andfaintness; and forgetting all its anticipations of happiness; insorrow at leaving its home in the forest。 It knew that it should neveragain see its dear old panions; the trees; nor the little bushesand many…colored flowers that had grown by its side; perhaps noteven the birds。 Neither was the journey at all pleasant。 The treefirst recovered itself while being unpacked in the courtyard of ahouse; with several other trees; and it heard a man say; 〃We only wantone; and this is the prettiest。〃

Then came two servants in grand livery; and carried the fir…treeinto a large and beautiful apartment。 On the walls hung pictures;and near the great stove stood great china vases; with lions on thelids。 There were rocking chairs; silken sofas; large tables; coveredwith pictures; books; and playthings; worth a great deal of money;… atleast; the children said so。 Then the fir…tree was placed in a largetub; full of sand; but green baize hung all around it; so that noone could see it was a tub; and it stood on a very handsome carpet。How the fir…tree trembled! 〃What was going to happen to him now?〃 Someyoung ladies came; and the servants helped them to adorn the tree。On one branch they hung little bags cut out of colored paper; and eachbag was filled with sweetmeats; from other branches hung gilded applesand walnuts; as if they had grown there; and above; and all round;were hundreds of red; blue; and white tapers; which were fastened onthe branches。 Dolls; exactly like real babies; were placed under thegreen leaves;… the tree had never seen such things before;… and at thevery top was fastened a glittering star; made of tinsel。 Oh; it wasvery beautiful!

〃This even
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